is schooling equitable

I do believe that the school system can be equitable, however I don't think that's their main goal. In school nowadays, I feel teachers teach too much towards a specific test instead of making sure each student fully grasps the material. handing out a study guide to all students is equal but it's not equitable. The teachers don't go to each and every student to make sure they understand. However I do feel that the part of schooling that is equitable is testing accommodations. Students who have ADHD, test anxiety, and learning disabilities are allowed extra help when needed, extended time on assignments or private testing rooms which aids the students in their success. A blind student, for instance, cannot effectively participate in a chemistry exam that is given in the conventional paper and pencil format. The student's performance on such a test would measure their visual acuity rather than their chemistry understanding. Meaningful participation in the testing process is possible with an accommodation, such as reading the test items aloud and recording the student's oral responses. The reasoning behind accomodations is clearest in the context of physical and sensory impairments, but they can be as applicable to other handicap conditions. For instance, on some tests, a student who has a severe reading problem (and is unable to correctly interpret many words) may also require read-aloud accommodations. Even with adjustments, students with impairments frequently perform less well than their peers without disabilities, proving that equal educational opportunity does not guarantee equal results. Accommodations are not intended to guarantee success in a specific educational effort, but rather to enable access to educational opportunities.
