why are schools still segregated

 I was surprised about how much the segregated neighborhoods affected so much, like how that means that schools will be segregated as well and the predominately white schools will be nicer and have more resources because of the higher property taxes. Segregated schools have been shown to have disproportionately negative impacts on minority populations, especially in low-income communities. These students often attend schools with fewer resources, less experienced teachers and lower academic achievement rates. And that can affect everything from a student's chances of graduating high school and going to college to what kind of jobs they get and the amount of money they earn over the course of their careers. this is extremely disappointing that we are now in 2022 and racial segregation is still going on.


  1. Hi Megan, as I was reading your blog, I noticed you mentioned how segregated schools can impact the resources students are given within their school district which I believe impacts the students educational experience in an extremely negative way. Not only are these students experiencing a lack of opportunity compared to children their age on the opposite side of town, but it is endangering their education meaning they are more likely to receive lower all-around scores as you mentioned. Although I believe we have come a long way moving past segregation it is extremely upsetting that in today's day and age these students, minorities, families and individuals in general still have to experience this unfair treatment and that our government is not taking more action to help its own citizens. As future teachers I believe it's crucial we're educated on these topics because ignorance is the root of many problems leading to the harsh treatment that minorities of all ages across the country have to experience.


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